Bday ko!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hi! Today is my birthday! And I just skipped my laboratory session this morning just to tell you. hehe. It's only a 1 A.U. module so no need to worry, just have to put more effort with my formal report to compensate with the one I just missed, I mean skipped. ^_^ (*fyi* I skipped 2 sessions last semester and still managed to get a B... lolz!). Besides, people who are celebrating their birthday are allowed to skip their lab session no questions asked!

Anyway, I'm just so blessed to have another year in this beautiful world. There were so many good things that happened to me as well as bad things. I'm just thankful that I was able to experience all these and managed to stay alive.

I'm grateful that I have friends who are always there to cheer me up everytime I'm down and troubled. Their presence and the support they always give me are things that I would always cherish and give importance with. I know there were times that I feel that our friendship may be too shallow and full of pretence but I was wrong. The kind of relationship we have now is very far from being shallow. And I thank you guys for it. (Thanks for the cake and the gift, I appreciate it a lot!)

I just wished that I can celebrate my birthday with my family. It's been 3 years since I last celebrated this special day with them. Even though my mother would only make her special "pansit" it doesn't matter coz what's important is that we were together. But I'm still thankful to God for always watching over my family. I know that someday I will be able to celebrate my birthday with them again.

I am looking forward for the days to come. They might not be as smooth as I want them to be but nevertheless I will still face them in full vigilance and zeal. Obstacles and barrier will put me down but not for long because I will rise up again stonger with wisdom through the presence of my friends, family and especially God.

Thank you Lord. Thank you Father.

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