damn! that mp3 player again...
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ok, yesterday I thougt I already got over this mp3 player I was talking about. Well today I went to jurong point again to see if it's still there. And again I found myself battling and fighting against my will to spend some amount of money for a crappy piece of mp3 player. But I can't help it. It's like it was there calling me: "Michael... Michael... Come... Come and get me... I know you wanted me..." But sill the "kuripot" me prevailed! And hurray! Have to say goodbye to it once again!!!

Of course, I can't let the day pass by without consoling myself so I went to the grocery and purchased 40 dollars worth of goodies. Isn't it amazing, everytime I wanted to buy something expensive and decided not to buy it, I end up spending a considerate amount of money to buy someting else... And that's me. I can't stop being me. So just carry on and bring out that nets mister!!!

Well that's not the only good thing that happened to me today. I had a wonderful time in the church today. I got there earlier than usual, but still I was late for this bible study that I am supposed to attend. But the point is I'm improving little by little! hehehe

I also met another person in the online friendly site I'm talking about. So anothe friend to me! Cheers!

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